Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ok...Lets Go!!!

OK I tried another blog hosting website earlier and I didn't like it one bit.  So I'm off to the second one, hoping it'll work better.  I figured it would be more beneficial to have a page dedicated to those that are interested in reading all about my Juicing experience without having to filter through all my FB posts, because yea i know they can be a bit lengthy :) 

If any of you have any questions what so ever about what I'm doing or what I've done please don't hesitate to ask, I'll answer all questions 100%, it may take a day or two but I promise I'll get to it.  I'll post what I've gone through, where I plan to go and any juice recipe's i run across or make along the way...I'll start off with some background tomorrow because its a bit late right now, please feel free to post any questions or whatever you may have here...good night all!

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