Friday, November 2, 2012

7-Day Juice Fast...

Ok so today I started day one of my 7-day juice fast.  This time I’m going to try a couple things different.  I’m going to mix up my juice so that I’m getting about a 50/50 mix of fruits and vegs instead of the green juice from before.  Also, the first time I cut out coffee straight up and man it made me super tired, so I brought coffee back in on the last two days and saw no negative results from it, so I’ll still be drinking coffee in the mornings and two to three servings of juice throughout the day.  I weighed myself on the scale we have at work and I’m starting this 7-day juice fast at 145.5lbs which is a lot less from when I started the first time (161lbs).  So I don’t expect to have any problems reaching my goal of 20lbs in the next week, and since my body is used to the juice I shouldn’t experience any of the side effects I did the last time, but if for some reason I do, I’ll make sure to let everyone know. 

The good thing about juicing is it is very forgiving, from what I can gather.  After I came off my original 10-day juice fast I have been eating regular dinners and lunches on occasion and I have been able to still lose weight, albeit not as much as before…but if all I have to is drink one juice for breakfast/lunch a day and still eat normal at night and not only NOT put on the weight but still lose it, WITHOUT having to exercise…shoot I’ll take it!  Heck I’ve been eating burgers and fries, pizza, shoot last night I had some wingstop with some of those awesome fries they have…MAN!!!  Ooo it was good!!!  Name another diet that lets you eat like that and still allow you to lose weight without having to exercise!  Well I’ll keep those of you updated on what kind of results I have…should be a very interesting week!!!  PEACE!!!

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