Saturday, November 3, 2012

Juice or Smoothies???

Which one to pick???
Ok well a friend of mine asked me why would I pick juicing over smoothies...because with juicing you are throwing away quite a bit of pulp...and instead of putting a really long post on FB I thought it would be better to post it is my OPINION as to why juicing is better than drinking smoothies...

"I say they are two different animals all together.  The one big difference being the smoothies are filled with pulp/fiber which will make you feel fuller a lot quicker than a juice...and because of the amount of pulp in a smoothie, it takes a lot longer for all of the "good stuff" to get into your system because your body has to digest the smoothie before it can extract whatever it needs. Also you will feel fuller, longer with a smoothie for that same reason, you body takes longer to digest it.  With juice its already in a liquid form so your body more quickly absorbs everything, which is why with a juice, you'll have to "go", 20 or 30 minutes after you drink it...the body grabs what it needs and then passes the excess water through your system.

The other advantage of juicing over smoothies, in my opinion, is that is serves more as a "reset" button for your body.  What I mean by that is once your body realizes that its not going to get more solid food, or "quick energy" it starts to metabolize its stored energy, or the fat, that you have for what it needs.  This is another reason why you'll feel more tired in the beginning, your body has to work harder to burn up the fat, to use as energy...whereas before, you were just providing it to your body, albeit not very GOOD energy, but energy none the less.  With juicing you're not starving your body, you're not forcing your body to do anything.  Your body is going to do what it was meant to do...which is store "energy" in the way of fat when you have an excess of it, and burn it up when your body needs it.  You are still pumping your body full of nutrients with the juice, so its getting essential vitamins that it needs...but has to go to its "reserves" for everything else.  Whereas with smoothies, you're still getting a lot of fiber and other nutrients in the form of pulp, which your body is having to digest to use it as energy.  If your body is having to process the food you're taking in, it isn't going to "need" to have to metabolize the stored energy in all those places we wanna get rid of.  This is the "reset" button that I am talking about.  

I think smoothies would be good at MAINTAINING your weight because you still get all the fruits/vegs you need as well as the fiber, all in a very natural way.  But as far as shocking your system and getting it to burn up what it has, i feel  you have to give it that kick in the pants it needs.  I'm not saying you cant lose weight with smoothies, but I think you will lose it quicker by juicing.  Now again this is just MY take it for what its worth...hope that answers your question... :)

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